Thursday, April 9, 2009


Ohhh Twilight! Yes, I jumped on the bandwagon this past August when my good friend Amanda forced me to read it after talking about it all summer long. I made fun of her, of course, for being in love with a vampire from a teen series, but I was going home to visit family and I go through novels like they're candy when I'm home, so I decided to finally give it a go. I fell in love! Not with Edward but with the love story between Bella and Edward--I want that, of course! Who wouldn't want that kind of romance in their life!? Anyways, I read the whole saga in 5 days. My eyes hurt but I didn't care! Well, when I did my student teaching last semester I read them again, but I took my time and read other books at the same time too. I enjoyed them more because I realized I had missed a lot my first time around. The reason I'm writing about it now is because four nights ago I decided to read them again. Why? Who knows? Maybe it's because I'm lacking romance in my life right now! Hey at least I can admit it! Anyways, I can't do it. I've gotten through the first chapter and that's IT! The reason, I think, is because I'm not going to find that kind of love by reading the dang thing over and over again. You're probably thinking, "Well duh, Heather!" I know it's not real, and real love is hard and involves compromise, but it's still nice to fall back into that comfort zone. Is that so bad!? My mind seems to have had enough...

....just a thought.

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