Friday, April 24, 2009

Positive Relationships

Very recently I've had to "kick" a 4th grader out of one of my groups that comes to see me for reading help every day. For the two months I worked with him before Spring Break he was one of the hardest working, most eager to learn, and ready to please (by following directions/participating in discussions) students. However, progressively after SB he started to act out. At first it was little things, like making snide remarks to a peer at my table and hurting their feelings. Then it was throwing a fit about not wanting to read a certain book or do a certain activity. Finally, all three hit constantly throughout lessons and he argued with me constantly with issues that were made very clear from the get-go. Anyways, finally this week I decided enough was enough. I had been giving him reminders to do the right thing, be respectful, say nice things or don't say anything at all, and I even taught him how to "argue" respectively. Nothing stuck. I decided to cut the cord on him coming to small group. He was angry with me, and I was very disappointed in him. I also felt like I had failed, but the very moment I thought that I reminded myself that if I kept letting him treat me like that I was letting him walk all over me, and I wouldn't be doing him any good in the long run.

Well, the next couple of days when he saw me in the hallway he would scowl at me. On the third day, when I went to go pick up the group he was begging me to come back. I said no, calmly, and he begged again for another chance. I pulled him out in the hallway so the class couldn't hear us talking and asked him how many chances he'd already had from me. His eyes hit the floor and he said oh so sadly, "too many". My heart sank for the kid but I stood firm. I let him know that even though he lost the privilege of getting extra help with me that it didn't mean I no longer cared about him. I told him he is one of the reasons I love doing what I do, and I asked him to bring the old him back and return to the hard working, respectful, happy student I once saw in him. I also told him if I saw a genuine change in him over a period of time, he may even earn his spot back in my group.

Now when I see him in the hallway it's all smiles and hellos. It was very important to me that he know I was not going to hold a grudge against him. He really is such a sweet kid and I do miss working with him. Well, the old him. It's been bugging the heck out of me as to why he suddenly changed. I think maybe there is a lesson or two to be learned from this for me as well.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Professional Development

So every year there is a professional development requirement of 25 off-contract hours. However, for me, since I was just coming in mid-year, I only had to get 12 hours. I actually made it! Also, on top of that to my surprise, the three days of training I had for ARIP counted as on-contract professional development. Plus my off-contract hours meeting with my mentor, Cynthia, counted as well. So, I am going to be PAID $10/hr for every hour that exceeds 25 hours, even though some of it was on-contract. I was wondering though—since I’m coming in mid-year and the requirement for me was only 12 hours, why I am only getting paid for going over 25 and not 12?? Just a thought! It doesn’t seem fair. =)

So, I thought maybe I should talk a little bit about what I learned in my professional development hours. I took a “how to handle the hard to handle” class which was about how to discipline those children who fly off the handle and throw temper tantrums. I actually really enjoyed that class. My favorite way to cope with these children is to just repeat everything they say back to you in a calm tone. It’s hilarious, and it works! I use it all the time. For instance, a student of mine might say “I hate coming here!!”, and I’ll repeat back to him in a calm voice, “You hate coming here.” Then he’ll scream, “I hate school! I’m never coming back!”, and I’ll repeat back in a calm voice, “You hate coming here and you are never coming back.” He shuts up. Success!

I also took a PBIS intro class. It’s just like PBS from Lubbock ISD. It’s all about positive behavior in disciplining where teachers look for students doing positive behavior and praise them/thank them for following the specific instructions. It does NOT work for every child. And honestly I’m starting to get really fed up with the way some kids are acting these days. SOME act like they own the world. When I was a kid I wouldn’t have the guts to say and ask and treat adults the way some kids seem to do now. I think it is extremely disturbing! When I was a child I said yes ma’am and yes sir. No if ands or buts about it! Scary the way kids think that is asking too much now a day.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Where do you go when you're in a bad mood?

I go to work!!

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I can't even remember the last time I was this cranky! I went to Starbucks before work for a pick me up and some lady in a big truck completely cut me off in the drive through line. It was all I could do to not ram my car into her truck. There would've been little left of my car, anyways, so I really talked myself into calming down! I got to work without speeding (to prevent road rage!) and vented to two co-workers and still was in a bad mood. I planned for the rest of the week and that didn't make me feel much better either. So, I went to greet the kids at the door. Nothing picks me up more than seeing sleepy-eyed children light up at the sight of seeing me! I got hugs from all the students I teach, which made my day, of course. This is something I started doing a couple months ago when I have time in the mornings. It is so important to me to see kids greeted with smiles and "Good mornings", "Have a great day", "Cool hair", and "Great to see ya's". By the looks on their faces I swear it makes their day as well, and not just mine. It's invigorating to spread good cheer.

Well, even after that I was still in a bad mood. My good cheer stopped at the door. =( I did finally get rid of the bitterness after lunch, and I didn't have to force the smiles anymore! Also, I did finally realize why I was in such a bad mood. It's crazy how things can sneak up on you sometimes!

Where do you go when you're in a bad mood? Have you ever had to put on a smile when all you wanted to do was scowl?

Stuck on Twilight...

Ok I caved...I'm reading it again! I'm almost done haha. I tried to explain to Mom why I like it so much. For the most part, it's comforting. It relaxes me, calms me down, and keeps my hopeless romantic thoughts alive. I am holding out for a relationship like Bella and Edward's. I do not expect it to be EXACTLY like theirs at all because I know it is a fictional story. However, I do think a relationship with that much passion, compassion, compromise, care, responsibility and friendship can and does indeed exist. Call me crazy if you'd like, but I don't care!! I have seen relationships similar to Bella and Edward's in real life. Take my grandparents, for example. Anyone who had seen Arnie and Marilyn together in their 57 years of marriage can tell you it's real. My grandpa took care of his wife in sickness, as the vows state, for over 40 years. FORTY! Now that is commitment. Also, there is my parents' relationship. They've been together for almost 34 years and married for almost 28. Their relationship has had Bella and Edward moments. I've witnessed them all lovey dovey and it makes me want to gag, but at the same time I am thrilled that my parents are still happy. Also, my life-long friends Courtney, Sally and Megan have gotten married all within about two years ago. When I've seen them together with their significant others I can tell you they all have married their best friends. You can tell they are in love and also they have a very strong friendship with their spouse. That is so important! I am sure they are going to drive their spouses up a wall from time to time, and visa versa, but they will always have their friendship to keep them bonded and fall back on. So there you have it: proof that the "Twilight" love can exist!! Feel free to agree or disagree. I'd love to hear your side of things!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Ohhh Twilight! Yes, I jumped on the bandwagon this past August when my good friend Amanda forced me to read it after talking about it all summer long. I made fun of her, of course, for being in love with a vampire from a teen series, but I was going home to visit family and I go through novels like they're candy when I'm home, so I decided to finally give it a go. I fell in love! Not with Edward but with the love story between Bella and Edward--I want that, of course! Who wouldn't want that kind of romance in their life!? Anyways, I read the whole saga in 5 days. My eyes hurt but I didn't care! Well, when I did my student teaching last semester I read them again, but I took my time and read other books at the same time too. I enjoyed them more because I realized I had missed a lot my first time around. The reason I'm writing about it now is because four nights ago I decided to read them again. Why? Who knows? Maybe it's because I'm lacking romance in my life right now! Hey at least I can admit it! Anyways, I can't do it. I've gotten through the first chapter and that's IT! The reason, I think, is because I'm not going to find that kind of love by reading the dang thing over and over again. You're probably thinking, "Well duh, Heather!" I know it's not real, and real love is hard and involves compromise, but it's still nice to fall back into that comfort zone. Is that so bad!? My mind seems to have had enough...

....just a thought.

Lori, the Stacies =), Cynthia, Jennifer, Cindy, Tamara, Frances, Ruth...

Some of the women on the Sheridan team that have helped make my last few months smoother than I thought possible. Just wanted to acknowledge them now. Thank you ladies!! From behavioral guidance to scheduling issues to advice on making small groups more interesting and just being a great ear -- thank you!!


First of all, I would like to start off by saying that I absolutely love teaching. It is my passion and definitely where I'm suppose to be career wise. I work at a Title 1 school with students who are struggling in reading, mainly because of another language barrier. The kids are precious. Absolutely precious! And they say the most ridiculous stuff! That will come later though...I am seriously considering writing a book about all the funny yet insightful things children say. Their young minds are fascinating!

Okay...rewinding a little bit. I left Lubbock on December 10, 2008 and haven't looked back yet. I was saddest to leave the snow, and of course my handful of friends that are still living there, but other than them all my other friends had moved on. That place was too stuffy/crowded for me. I am definitely a city girl. Anyways, when I arrived at my parents' house in Kingwood the night of the 11Th it snowed, and somehow I knew that God was going to comfort me in all I was about to go through. You see, at this point 4 months ago, I had no idea where the heck I was going to end up! I had applied EVERYWHERE and was hounding districts for interviews. I got 6 with Cy-Fair ISD and went for it. I actually ended up with a choice of 3 different schools, and I chose Sheridan. I couldn't be happier! The staff at my school is amazing. They are so supportive and outgoing and fun to be around! So, I had a job and was super stoked. The 2 week Holiday went by and I was able to catch up with all my friends and family that were in town. Then school started. I was so stinkin' nervous! I think they scariest part was that my area to work in was the corner of the library. To someone who has always had walls, it was a little terrifying. I felt like I was on display! Now I'm use to it though, and the kids love coming to visit me knowing I'm always going to be there for them in plain sight. And, for the most part, I am able to keep the voices of my students dialed down =) haha... The relationships I've made with the students is something I've always dreamed about having. I had awesome relationships with my teachers growing up, and I wanted to pass that on. I feel blessed to have the chance now.

I lived with mom and dad until the last weekend of February. That was interesting to say the least! Now I live with a childhood friend whom I've stayed in touch with over the years; Marigny. We are both neat freaks as far as the kitchen/living room goes, and we both work the same hours and have the same lifestyle, so it's working out very nicely! It's nice to have her around =) It is also nice to have my parents only 45 minutes away. Oh my GOSH I can't even explain how much I cherish that! Being 9 hrs away from them really sucked over the years, and again I feel BLESSED to have them so close by. I'm not ashamed to admit they are my best friends. Greatest people you will ever meet!

Alright, I have made a promise to myself to update this more often. I just got a laptop a week ago and I'm on it all the time, so there are no excuses! Stay tuned!