Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Many Colored Days Craft Lesson

Seuss, Dr. My Many Colored Days. Illus. Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher. New York: Random House, 1996.

I would use this craft lesson towards the end of the school year in May because the idea I have for this craft is for the students to use the book to make a Mother's Day card for their moms.

After reading the book to the kids a few times, and letting them give feedback on the book and their own feelings, I would explain to them that we are going to make a Mother's Day card since Mother's Day is in May. I would explain that it's important to show their moms how much they are appreciated because they do a lot to make their kids happy =) . I could come around and help them write of course if need be, but for the most part they should be able to write or at least draw the colors depending on which age group this lesson is towards. I would try to keep it at the youngest age possible because the book might be too "baby" for even second graders. Some examples I would provide the kids with on how to write this Mother's Day card is explain what color she makes us feel (the good ones only though of course), or they can explain their appreciate for their moms by thanking her for making them feel better when the kids feel a certain bad color.

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