Sunday, January 27, 2008

Buzz Craft Lesson

Wong, Janet S. Buzz. Illus. Margaret Chodos-Irvine. Orlando FL: Voyager Books/Harcourt, Inc., 2000.

Since most Kindergartners don't know how to read right away, this book would be great in working with them on letter and word recognition. I would read the book to them once and answer any questions they had or listen to comments they make about the pictures of words, and so forth. Then, I would read it to them a second time and have them say the word "Buzz" for me every time I pointed to it.
For the craft, I would have them paint on a piece of construction paper different types of animals or insects that start with the letter "B". I'd give them them several choices and help them come up with them like butterfly, bee, bear and so forth. I wouldn't limit their choice to just a bee even though Buzz was based of the bee at the beginning. Giving them different choices would help them expand their imagination and creativity.

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